Welcome to

River of Life

4 Square Church

Who we are

River of Life Church is about ordinary authentic Christianity. We are normal everyday ordinary people who are reliant on the grace and mercy of God. We believe that the best way to represent Christ is to live ordinary faithful lives exhibiting authentic faith in Christ. We aren’t about the latest and greatest craze or the most current church idea. We focus on the word of God, fellowship with one another and nurturing those in need. We can’t do everything, but what we do we do with a genuine desire to bring glory to God.

Greetings from Pastor Greg

What to expect

At the River of Life we focus on living life for Jesus through simple ordinary life activities. Everyone is welcome and no one is perfect. Our heart is to help others learn to love one another, live an authentic Christian life and to lead by example what it means to be a Christ follower. We do that through practical expository preaching, committed genuine community relationships and through the everyday ordinary daily spiritual disciplines. Due to our limited size and building limitations, our Sunday mornings focus on three areas; a solid biblical sermon, simple authentic worship and family fellowship.